Now it is our turn to take care
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists are needed in many medical fields to treat and assist patients of all ages, such as in orthopedic treatment centers, hospitals, and rehabilitation clinic settings. Generally, physical therapists provide a variety of medical services to help individuals who have been injured or physically affected by illnesses to recover and improve their muscular function.
Our physical therapists in Long Island can evaluate a patient’s condition. They can devise a customized physical rehabilitation and treatment plan to enhance their strength, flexibility, range of motion, and motor control. Our trained professionals help patients reduce bodily pain, discomfort, and swelling.
Since the job responsibilities for this profession are physically demanding, all of our physical therapists in Long Island are trained and more than up for the task.
Assisted Living Support for Terminally Ill
Caring is our way of Life
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The Physicians at Old Haven define Care
Medical Practioners in Service
Value for Life
Expert Care of the Elderly
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